Make $50,000 Part Time Using Proven System...
Working 12 Hours Weekly - Want More income, Work More!
My job is to help you get what you want for income. I'm a recruiter and help you get an appointment close to you with one of our Regional Vice Presidents. He or sge will interview you and have you attend a company business briefing. They have a 22 year proven system that will help you to make some money or a lot of money depending on how hard you want to work,
Bill Peters
November 19, 1999
I'm retired from the US Air Force with offices in Tacoma, Washington
Anyone who is willing to learn and work 'our system' at least 12 hours a week can earn $50,000 or more a year part time... All a person needs is determination do DO-IT and working consistently at least 12 hours.
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My interests are in helping teach people how to get what they want using our system.